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  1. jitendra0341

    Do you spend money on gaming gear?

    It sometimes necessary to purchase gaming accessaries of a particular game. It adds tool to the game making full use of utility that a game offer. It helps in acquiring more fun with these devices. But all games do not require these gaming accessary.
  2. jitendra0341

    Using Cheats

    True. Sometimes cheats get handy to get out of the situation we are trying for hours to come out the solution. Here cheat can help us to location the problem and answer. It saves a lot of time making game more enjoyable if we are not able to decode the situation.
  3. jitendra0341

    How often do you play?

    I play in weekends. This is the time I free from all the heckles of tedious works. I enjoy playing for hours if a game interest me.It may be 5 hours or more. It depends on time availability and the type of game I am playing with.
  4. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    Yes . Fun is what we strive for when we decide to play a game.The difficulties that make a game more enjoyable. We do not feel lame in playing the difficult one. It enhances our mental capacity to achieve more and get success in games, encourages us to go ahead in coming stages. The more stages...
  5. jitendra0341

    Do you bet on games?

    Personally, I don't like betting in the game. It takes away the real charm of the game. It is gamble like we play in casino. We feel lost after loosing our money. I have not try this and don't encourage anyone to try this. It is very bad habit betting on games. We play games for enjoyment and...
  6. jitendra0341

    Returning a game you bought?

    Yes it happened to me also. I purchased game thinking that it would be good to play.But after try it I found that it is only pathetic and fooled by the game I just bought.
  7. jitendra0341

    Strained eyes while playing games

    This happens when I play for many hours at a stretch. It sometimes irritating to play after the gaming session. The dark circle comes our around eyes and it feels very bad. It seems we just stop playing for now.
  8. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    Yes. Everybody have one or more games that they find it to be difficult to solve or complete it. I too had some games in my early time that haunts me to accomplish it.One of the games i had difficulty is Call of Duty. I had problems in completing some stages.
  9. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

  10. jitendra0341

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    Yes that's true also in my case. I love to play games for hours. Sometimes it is tiresome to play any games. We feel to get away for while.
  11. jitendra0341

    Harry Potter Fans?

    I played harry potter games many years before. I think it is at the tome of third harry potter movie come out. That time I loved it too much. I engrossed my self fully in the games. Garry's Mode seems good to play. I will have a try on it.
  12. jitendra0341

    Sports Games

    I also love to play Football game be it FIFA , NCAA or NFL. It is always fun to hooked to this type of games. They provide us real time experience of playing football. If we feel that we are playing real game and we enjoy the same way as we do in playing or watching football on the ground.
  13. jitendra0341

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    Right. It depends on individuals. And the genres of game we play. I love strategic games to play. They are so much exciting that I spend my log hour playing the game. It enhances my memory and helpful to keep me away from daily hectic and tension.
  14. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    True. It happened to me also. I used to play game just to have fun. I played game with easy levels and stages just to win enough games to satisfy my time. After some days I get bored having no challenging situation and no thrill I got out of it. So i started to try difficult one. Initially I was...
  15. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    yes, true to your word. It happens with me also. I too get bored when I reach some level that actually over levelled. I try to find some more difficulties in that game. When all difficulties get over, I switch over to next game. Here I try to choose different difficulty level from easy to medium...
  16. jitendra0341

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    I love games a lot too. It helps me to bust off my tension when I am feeling lonely, it entertains me like a buddy. I enjoy being in the game , playing involved in role playing. It is much of tension-reliever to me. And yes It also keep my bad habits like smoking and drinking out of me that...
  17. jitendra0341

    Where do you buy your games most?

    I buy game generally from my nearby shopping mall. I found here all types of latest topics available. Others , I go to Amazon or ebay for online shopping of games. They give us some good discount in many games. Buying games depends on what we like to buy, whether it is console, pc games. I...
  18. jitendra0341

    Board Games

    Yeah, board games are rather boring. And Monopoly defies this notion of boredom. It is one of the best board games we have or played. It get us hooked to it all the way make us having fun with our friends and forget about outside world.
  19. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    I also choose game with easy understanding. It saves time to get those games and play hours without thinking about difficulties some games pose. But it is also true that difficulty makes a game more enjoyable to play. When we achieve something and get to next level with much tryst we feel much...
  20. jitendra0341

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    Exactly, it is made for relieving our stress from our daily chores as well as giving us a platform to compete with others. It gives excitement and fun.