• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!


  1. InvadeYourSpace

    Vintage Systems and Prices

    How much are older systems being valued at? I know you can get a Nintendo for next to nothing at a GameStop, but some of the rarer game titles are going for a decent price. What about Coleco Vision? Has anyone been able to get their hands on one of these, and if so how much did you end up paying...
  2. Arkadyuti

    Hey guys!

    I am Arkadyuti. Playing games since I was 5 years old! Have a humble collection of games on Steam, hence do add me if you want to play with me! Also look forward to trading items or exchanging games! (Steam ID is Sephiroth) .

    noob here. hey how ya doin?

    Hello everyone. I am excited to introduce me...THE_HITMAN. I have played many games under this name over the past five years. I have opinions running out of my ears about the poor management of awesome games and the great management of terrible games. But before I start yappin about all that...